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Living Life to the Fullest In Southwest Missouri

Webb City Farmers Market

Webb City Farmers Market

With vibrant colors, bountiful aromas, delicious tastes, live music, and constant chatter from the crowds, the Webb City Farmers Market is like a party for the senses.

Most of the year, I shop for produce at a superstore, where everything is presented in tidy packages. While this is definitely convenient, it also distances us shoppers from the sources of our food.

That’s why it’s so refreshing to visit the Webb City Farmers Market. Here, I can hold a crown of broccoli and inspect its bright green color without a layer of plastic wrap suffocating its freshness. And here, I can buy fruits and vegetables that are grown nearby, instead of produce that has lost vital nutrients while being transported from faraway places.

WC Farmers Market flowers
WC Farmers Market kale

The Webb City Farmers Market is located under the pavilion in King Jack Park (555 South Main Street in Webb City). I remember when the market first started out in 2000, and I’ve been excited to witness its growth over the years.

WC Farmers Market pavilion

Today, there are dozens of vendors. Aside from the usual fruits and vegetables, I’ve also seen herbs, flowers, honey, vanilla extract, beef, pork, poultry, and baked goods (all local, of course).

WC Farmers Market baked

Area artisans also display their crafts there, too. The last time I went, I saw several tables of jewelry, some woodwork, and even illustrations by a cartoonist. I also had the pleasure of meeting Rebecca Bristow and her daughter who create artwork, jewelry and accessories from recycled glass and aluminum.

WC Farmers Market Bristow

 Rebecca Bristow’s glass work…

WC Farmers Market Clips

 …and hair clips made from recycled aluminum.

After working up an appetite from shopping at the market, I like to grab a bite to eat, sit down and enjoy some live music from local musicians.

WC Farmers Market music

If you want something substantial to eat, you’re in luck. At each market, a restaurant or organization will offer a cooked meal. What’s so fun about this is that there’s always something new to try.

If you don’t want a full meal, then be sure to sample some of the treats throughout the market. Last summer, we stood in the fresh fruit smoothie line multiple times because my daughters couldn’t get enough of them!

WC Farmers Market kids

Speaking of kids, I do try to bring mine to the market as often as possible. I think it’s important for them to see healthy, fresh food up close, and to meet the farmers that grew that food, so that they can respect and appreciate the process behind putting food on our dinner plates.

The Webb City Farmers Market’s season lasts from April to October, but there is also a winter market with more limited offerings. There are times when the market is extremely crowded (tomato season!), so be prepared.

WC Farmers Market herbs

The next time you need some fresh produce, forgo the fluorescent lights and piped-in Muzak of the grocery store and visit the Webb City Farmers Market, where the natural sunlight highlights the colors of the food, and where even the music is fresh and lively.

butterfly pic


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Living Life to The Fullest!

Joplin MO LifeI love seeking out new experiences and finding places off the beaten path. I started Joplin MO Life in August 2013 as a way to share my discoveries with others in the Joplin community so that they can learn about the resources that exist right in their own backyards.

I have worked in education and event planning, and have always loved to write. I hold a master's degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor's degree in marketing from Tulane University.

One Comment

  1. The girls are getting so big Chris. Gosh stop sprinkling Miracle Grow on them.

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